Key Lime Cheesecake (Vegan, Grain Free)

Key Lime "Cheese"cake

One of the best ways to live more vibrantly is to eat in alignment with the seasons. It’s a beautiful way to connect more deeply to your body’s wisdom. When we are in tune with the rhythms of Mother Nature, and we seek out ingredients in their peak ripeness and from local sources, we gain many benefits:

  1. We save money on produce because it doesn’t have to travel as far to our plates, and it typically costs less because farmers have an abundance. For example, have you noticed how much less expensive strawberries are in the summertime than during the winter months?
  2. We receive optimum health benefits. Nature puts her energy into the foods that are most beneficial for our bodies during each season. Winter is peak season for leafy greens like kale, chard and collards, which have many immune-boosting vitamins and minerals for fighting off winter colds.
  3. Fresh food tastes more delicious. Citrus is most flavorful in the winter because it’s in peak season and hasn’t traveled as far, whereas berries and peaches taste best in the summertime. Everything has a natural flow.
  4. We increase our awareness of our own cycles and rhythms. Have you ever noticed how your cravings shift throughout the year? In winter you will likely crave richer foods like stews and root vegatables – perfect for keeping you warm and nourished for colder days and going within. Whereas in the summetime, you will likely cravy lighter foods like fresh juices and salads – perfect for hotter weather and lots of motion. Seasonal eating helps us to trust our body’s intuition more, so we can eat in support of optimum health.  

How do you know what’s in season?

Check out the end caps of your market’s produce aisle. Items being featured or at lower costs are good indicators of what’s fresh now, and possibly local.

Let's get cooking!

In celebration of San Diego’s winter season produce, this recipe features Mexican limes (otherwise known as key limes). We were gifted two big bags grown on a friend’s tree in our neighborhood. These beauties are juicy and bursting with flavor – a perfect pairing with the creamy cashews and sweet honey in this decadent dessert.

Key Lime Cheesecake Slice

The raw honey is also full of immune-boosting properties, especially when locally harvested. It can help to minimize seasonal allergies and is rich in antioxidants for reducing chronic disease risk.

With ingredients like these, you can have your (cheese)cake and eat it too. And did we mention it’s dairy-free and grain-free too?! You’re welcome.

key lime cheesecake with date almond flour crust (vegan, grain free)

YIELD: 10 servings
PREP: 30 minutes
COOK: 12 minutes
READY IN: 7 hours


1 cup almond flour
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
2 Tbsp. date syrup

1 ¾ cups raw cashews, soaked 4-8 hours in fresh water
⅔ cup fresh Mexican/key lime juice + zest
½ cup raw honey or agave
¼ cup canned coconut milk
⅔ cup coconut oil, liquified
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½  tsp. matcha extract, for color (optional)
¼ tsp. salt

Crust Instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Combine the almond flour, coconut oil, and date syrup until soft ball forms.
  3. Spread the dough across the bottom of a parchment lined 8-inch spring form pan, and a little up the sides.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes, then remove to cool.

Filling Instructions:

  1. Drain Cashews, then place all ingredients in a high powered blender or food processor.
  2. Blend on high until fully combined and smooth, then pour into spring form pan and shake to settle evenly. Smooth top.
  3. Refrigerate for 6 hours until firm.

Serve sliced with sweet cashew cream (to make, blend 2 cups soaked then drained cashews, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1 Tbsp. maple syrup and 1 tsp. vanilla until smooth) and/or mango puree drizzle. Garnish with lime slices and zest.

Key Lime Cheesecake Recipe